An integral part of Meridian High School is Pinnacle; our enhanced learning provision (ELP). At Meridian, we are proud to offer personalised learning for all students, including those who have been identified as requiring additional support; liaising with students and parents to arrange the best possible provision so that all students can reach their potential.
- Inclusive education caters for the needs of all students.
- Inclusive practice are strategies and methods that ensure all learners can access education.
- It is important that all learners feel valued and supported where every students needs are being met.
- Personalised provision that has been deliberately designed to support the needs of our students.
- This includes literacy and language, neurological differences and social, emotional and mental health.
Pinnacle is a hub of learning. As part of our students’ personalised learning experience, we offer an extended curriculum provision including:
Neurological Differences Provisions:
- Forest School
- Land based studies
- Finance
- Home Cooking
- Lego Therapy The-Effectiveness-of-Lego-Therapy-Intervention-UCL.pdf
Literacy and Language Provisions:
Thw purpose of the literacy and language provision is to support students to become effective communicators both verbally and in writing. We aim to challenge all students to use Standard English and high level vocabulary as tools to present the best version of themselves in education and beyond. Promote students to become avid readers of both fiction and non-fiction text and our goal is to foster a love of reading for pleasure
- Speech and Language Sessions
- Literacy Sessions (including Lexia and Dyslexia Gold)
- Numeracy & Literacy Catch-Up
- A Reading Buddy Scheme (coming February 2022)
As well as offering academic support, Pinnacle is a key pastoral provision for students with ASD or SLCN. Some students attend a Pinnacle tutor group and have a Pinnacle form tutor, others access the provision as a safe social space at break and lunch times. Our two sensory rooms are equipped with the tools and resources that students can use to help them refocus and prepare themselves for learning.
The Graduated Approach
At Meridian High School we use the Graduated Approach to supportg our students. An effective Graduated Approach draws on more detailed approaches, more frequent review and more specialist expertise in successive cycles in order to match interventions to an individual child or young person's needs.
Students who continue to face challenges in their learning, despite receiving high-quality teaching, are likely to need additional strategies, or different provision, in order to meet their needs. The SEND Code of Practice states that, for these learners, teachers are required to remove barriers to learning and put effective special educational provision in place through SEN support.
This SEN support takes the form of a four-part cycle (assess, plan, do, review). Through this cycle, actions are reviewed and refined as understanding of a student’s needs and the support required to help them secure good outcomes increases. This is known as the graduated approach.
All students have the right to achieve their maximum academic and social potential. The SEND and Inclusion policy for Meridian High school and the Pinnacle and Summit seeks to promote this by providing equality of access and opportunity to all areas of the curriculum. Students are taught in an environment where they receive equal respect and in which their individuality is valued.
At Meridian we believe that all students have learning differences rather than learning difficulties and it is our policy to identify and assess these differences and ensure that learning is supported and differentiated to ensure outstanding progress is made by all students.
The Learning Support Services department also offer a range of support to develop student wellbeing and resilience and the support within the classroom, this includes; drop-in sessions, student assessments, exam support, in class training and observations from the Inclusion and Behaviour Leader, specialist advice/input within the classroom, and a developing Learning Support Services resource base within the LSS and Enhanced Learning Provision.
The information below gives you an overview of the Pinnacle and Summit and what we offer including a range of documents you may find useful.
The Pinnacle and Summit at Meridian High School provides students on the autistic spectrum a safe, calm and inclusive environment in order to support their access to mainstream education.
We have an individualised approach where each student has a personalised timetable and curriculum offer. We offer a life skills based curriculum at both Key Stage 3 and 4. We also provide a high level of support through specialist teachers in the Pinnacle and Summit and learning mentor support in the mainstream lessons.
There are 30 places available within the Pinnacle and Summit and students are referred by Croydon’s special educational needs team. Students must have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) with a primary need of ASD.
If you feel your child may benefit from a place in the Pinnacle and Summit, please feel free to contact Miss Stimpson our SENDCo (