Supporting SEND students
VIDEO 1: What do our students think?
VIDEO 2: What do our students think?
Our vison and aims for inclusion:
At Meridian High School, we are an inclusive school where ALL learners access high quality, personalised provision so that they are challenged, can learn and can achieve. We believe that education is more than just academic outcomes.
We believe that all our students are entitled to have complete access to subject specific qualified teachers. We believe that all our students are entitled to have supported access to mainstream lessons across a broad and balanced range of subjects. We believe all our students who need it should have access to an alternative education through an alternative curriculum, if needed, to better prepare them for life beyond MHS. We believe in embracing a personalised and flexible approach in order to ensure all students thrive. We believe in a cohesive and collaborative approach between the pastoral and SEND teams under one inclusion team, so all our students have access to a curriculum that supports all their needs.
It is important to understand that MHS students are ours and that our inclusion provision allows them to stay with us as they will do better here with us than anywhere else! Our approach is about being proactive, not reactive to our students' needs, whenever they occur. Our Universal Offer means that all our students are supported by the following teaching and learning fundamentals: modelling, scaffolding, questioning, oracy, challenge and adaptive teaching.
Based on the needs of our students, we have four inclusion strands which form our inclusion offer. This is then further supported with our alternative education offer through the provisions of, Alpine, Crest and Serenity. We have two approaches to supporting our students – our alternative curriculum and our alternative education packages. If your child struggles to access a standard curriculum offer they will be allocated one of our bespoke packages to help them be successful at our school.
We have four strands under our alternative curriculum pathway and 3 strands under our alternative education pathway.
Adaptive teaching: Universal Offer
At Key Stage 3, students study a broad and ambitious curriculum including: Maths, English, Science, Geography, History, Spanish, Worldviews, Business Studies, PE, Health and Nutrition, Art, Drama and PSHE.
At Key Stage 4, our core curriculum that all students study includes: Maths, English, Science, History or Geography, Spanish, PSHE and RE.
Students make their option choices for their vocational pathway and academic pathway at the end of Year 9.
SEND-Annual-Information-Report- 2022-2023.pdf
SEND-Annual-Information-Report- 2023-2024.pdf
SEND-Annual-Information-Report- 24-25.pdf
Staff at Meridian High School work to ensure that students’ needs are met in the mainstream classroom as much as possible. Staff in the SEND department work with teachers and other colleagues in all subjects to ensure that work set is adapted and appropriate. Staff are given strategies to support each individual student, providing materials and training to aid where necessary. Where more individualised support or teaching is required, this is usually led by an individual in the SEND department.
We also work closely with a range of professionals outside school to provide informed pastoral support and to support learning, based on students’ specific, individual needs.
Listening to children and young people, working with parents, and listening to their aspirations to achieve the most appropriate provision, is a key element in all our work. We have multiple stratgies that include SALT sessions, Lexia, Dyslexia Gold, Lego Therapy alongside our curriculum support groups and extended curriculum sessions that enable use as a team to work with the students and parents in ensuring the curriculum is right for them and their future.
SEND policy.pdf
Contact information:
If parents have concerns with their child’s support and academic progress, they are encouraged to talk, in the first instance to the child’s tutor or their PWL.
Year 7P tutor: Miss Fowler (
Year 8P tutor: Miss Jeffrey (
Year 9P tutor: Mrs Rapley (
Year 10P tutor: Miss Clarke ( (
Year 11P tutor: Mrs Ongley (
For all other SEND information or concerns please email:
Administrative support: Mrs Patten (
Head of Pinnacle: Miss Adamson (
SENDCo: Miss Stimspon (
Inclusion and Physical / Emotional wellbeing and resilience
The Pinnacle and Summit team provides behaviour and wellbeing support service to students across all year groups at MHS. The provision has the following aims and purpose:
- To support emotional wellbeing and resilience and identify learning differences and barriers
- To reduce the number of fixed-term / permanent exclusions / students educated in off-site Alternative Provision and to improve students’ behaviour and progress
- To provide welfare / pastoral support to all students through personalised targeted support interventions
- To provide advice, support and training to all staff in relation to pastoral support, emotional wellbeing and behaviour management
All students identified and referred receive a 1:1 support and advice session which develops the personalised provision that will meet the needs of the student and outline the support needed for the student to be successful. This is reviewed regularly with the students and parents.
Deliberately designed SEMH workshops and Thrive sessions have been constructed to support the emotional and social needs of our students in order to become successful learners and progress to their next steps.
Support takes the form of one or more of the following:
In line with the 2014 Department for Education Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice: 0-25 years, the following documents are available below for your reference:
Making conversations with schools count
LSS information for school websites Autumn 2023.pdf
Section 69 (2) of the Children and Family Act 2014
Regulation 51 and schedule 1 of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014
Section 6 of the SEN and Disability code of practice 0-25 years
Page Downloads |
2021 Jan SEND Family Newsletter |
SEND Information Report 2018-2019 |
SEND Parent Newsletter |
VIDEO 2022 11 11 07 52 16 |