What our students think about Science
The intent of Science is to provide students with a high quality education that will allow students to grasp the knowledge and skills needed to understand the world around them.
Learning hours
Year group | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Learning hours per week | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 |
Knowlegde, Understanding and Skills
5 Year learning journey
Combined Science specification
Biology Specification (Triple science)
Chemistry Specification (Triple science)
Physics Specification (Triple science)
Science is a subject, yes, but it’s also a way of thinking: people who study science have been trained to think critically, research properly and be guided by the evidence. These are critical workplace skills and employers value the creativity and problem-solving skills of science graduates.
Within Science we assess how learning is taking place through the following:
- Checkpoint quizzes
- End of topic assessments
- Termly assessments
- Questioning to check understanding and challenge thinking
- Book marking
- Self and peer assessment
- Practical work
Assessment is an important part of our curriculum as it enables us to see the strengths of our students, but also areas that need further development, identification of misconceptions or gaps in knowledge and develops exam technique - all of which feeds forward into our planning.
Feedback is an essential element for all students as it gives clear guidance on areas that may need further development or provide them with more challenging opportunities to think deeply. In Science feedback is completed through the marking of books where students have an opportunity to respond by working on key vocabulary and an activity linked to their learning. When an assessment is completed students also receive whole class feedback with tasks that will support further progress. In lessons students also get verbal feedback and peer or self-assess their work.
Learning beyond the classroom
Extracurricular clubs
- STEM Club
- Sciences film club
- Science drop-in session for KS4 students
Trips and visits
- Natural History Museum trips
- Science Museum Visits
- University Visits
- Big Bang Fair
- Festivals of Chemistry
- Alabama Space Camp (to be confirmed once Covid-19 restrictions permit)
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Learning Journey Science |