Business Studies
Business Studies:
Our intent is to equip and upskill students with Business life skills so they can progress further with their studies with the Cambridge National and beyond, but to ensure they are employment ready. Through the study of Buisess students should be able to challenge themselves from a Business perspective and achieve no matter what level they wish to progress to in a career.
Digital Literacy:
Through their time at MHS we encourage students to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world and Ensure that students become digitally literate at a level suitable for the future workplace as active, aware and informed participants in the digital world.
Learning hours
Year group | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Learning hours per week | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
Knowledge, understanding and skills
HT |
Year 7 |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
1 |
Using Computers safely, effectively and responsibility
Understanding Computers and Microsoft Software
Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence in Business
2 |
Personal and Business Finance
Marketing and Pitching a Business Proposal
3 |
Networks and Data
Marketing Mix
4 |
Social Enterprise and the Local Community
Human Resources and Production
5 |
Google Software
Graphics and Business
Motivation and Business Ownership
6 |
Using Media for Promotion
Website Development 1. HTML and Website Design 2. Marketing Mix 3. Website Design and Promotion 4. Product/ Service 5. Assessment 6. Marketing Mix |
The Economy
5 year learning journey
Business Studies Learning Journey
The combination of academic challenge and practical focus makes the prospect of studying business and taking it further as a career highly appealing for those attracted to the competitive, yet collaborative learning environment offered by many business schools and departments.
KS3 Business
- Meridian 5 a day quiz at the start and end of each lesson
- Exit quiz
- Challenge questions
- Half termly assessments
- Prep packs
- Home learning quizzes
KS4 Cambridge Nationals
- Meridian 5 a day quiz at the start and end of each lesson
- Exit quiz
- Challenge questions
- End of topic assessments
- Home learning exam questions
- Whole school mocks
- R067- External examination
- R068- Coursework completed under controlled conditions
- R069- Coursework completed under controlled conditions
Feedback is a vital tool to support our students in meeting or exceeding their target grades. In Business studies and Computing feedback happens in the following ways:
- Peer/Self assessment
- Mock exam feeback
- Whole class feedback
- Verbal feedback
- Parent reporting
Learning beyond the classroom
Trips and visits
Cadbury World
Local visits and tours
Additional opportunities
Bank of England visit and external speakers
National Apprenticeship Week