Year 11 Prom Update
The Year 11 Prom will be taking place on Friday 14th July at the Croydon Park Hotel from 7:30-11:30pm. Students should make their own way to and from the venue.
Tickets cost £45 (or £40 excluding the Year Book), including a buffet meal. Please be reminded that attendance to Prom is dependent on excellent behaviour in and around school and full commitment to the ongoing GCSE exams.
Included in the price is an electronic Year Book featuring a range of photos from activities and events from the last five years. The Year Book will be available for collection on Presentation Evening in the Autumn Term.
In order to purchase your Prom ticket and/or Year Book, please log on to ParentPay.
If you wish to use a Pay Point in a local retail outlet, please use the barcode on the attached letter. Payments must be made by 7th July.