GLF English Teach Meet
GLF is pleased to announce an English Teach Meet in January 2018
“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” – Henry Ford
Our aim of the GLF English Teach Meet is to connect with, inspire and equip a large group of English teachers from across and beyond our Multi-Academy Trust. At the event we hope that all participants are able to share ideas, resources and strategies relating to the teaching of English in secondary schools.
It is free to attend and you are welcome to present or listen.
Please publicise the English TeachMeet with your colleagues and other schools. Please use #GLFEnglishPleasedToMeetYou when on Twitter to spread the word.
#GrownLearnFlourish #TeamGLFEnglish
Is there parking available at the venue?
There is a carpark at the venue with ample free parking
Who can attend?
English teachers within and outside of the GLF
Do I have to present?
No we welcome enthusiastic listeners
What do I do if I want to present?
Please contact Rachel Picken or Kerrie Cook, please see details below, to discuss how long you will present for (3 minutes or 5 minutes) and on what topic.
If you have any questions or queries then please contact:
Rachel Picken at
Kerrie Cook at
“The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.” – Mark Van Doren